You are in: Home > Courses > AVSEC-ENAC

Training Purpose:

This complementary and/or specialized training program is aimed at helping individuals within the aeronautic sector acquire professional skills, abilities and/or aptitudes in accordance with established requirements and:

  • Regulation (EU) 2015/1998 of the commission, which establishes detailed measures for the application of the common basic standards of aviation security, as well as its subsequent modifications and amendments
  • Chapter 11 of the National Civil Aviation Security Program (PNS); and
  • the Security Training Manual .

General objectives

Gaining the knowledge and skills necessary:

  • To understand the overall concept of aviation security: its objectives, organization, and legal framework, as well as the obligations and responsibilities of those who carry out security tasks in the aeronautical sector.
  • To internalize Safety Culture: the elements that contribute to a solid safety program and its impact on the aviation field from an employee’s daily tasks to the most strategic procedures within the sector.
  • To be aware of the importance of acts of unlawful interference, terrorist attacks or current threats against civil aviation and know how to identify risks.
  • To recognize inspection and access checkpoint processes, as well as the importance of accreditations and ID badges used at airports.
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